Join us Saturday June 18 at 11 a.m. at the corner of Howland Ave. and Bloor St. W.!

The Bloor Annex Business Improvement Area (BIA), Annex Residents’ Association (ARA), and Harbord Village Residents’ Association (HVRA) are hosting a block party to celebrate Wiener’s 100th anniversary on Saturday June 18, 2022 starting at 11 a.m. A portion of Howland Ave. at Bloor St. W. will be closed for a ceremony marking the exact day that Wiener’s Hardware first opened 100 years ago. “The block party and ceremony will express the community’s gratitude to the Wiener family for keeping their treasured institution alive for so many years,” said Brian Burchell, general manager of the Bloor Annex BIA.
Originally opened in 1922, Wiener’s Hardware is a family run business that continues to be an important part of what makes the Annex a livable neighbourhood. Run by three generations of the Wiener family, Hyman and Ida Weiner founded Wiener’s Hardware in 1922 and their great grand-daughter, Melanie Wiener, is set to take over from her father Marty Wiener.
Canadian journalist and author Stuart McLean wrote a piece describing his visits to Wiener’s titled Hardware Stores Have All the Answers. McLean wrote: “Going for hardware is like going for water at the village well. No matter when you go, there is always someone there with something to say, and sooner or later everyone you know drops by.
The Bloor Annex BIA, ARA, and HVRA are pleased to invite all to come and celebrate Wiener’s 100th anniversary on Saturday June 18 at 11 a.m. at the corner of Howland Ave. and Bloor St. W. by the Bloor Annex BIA commissioned bee mural and parkette.
Speakers will include City Councillor Mike Layton, representatives of the residents’ associations, and the Bloor Annex BIA. Local eatery, the Victory Café, is supplying pizza and there will be live music by local 15-piece band, Horn on the Cob plus a jazz trio. There will also be cake and cotton candy!